yaldei yisroel
212.227.1000 ext.4566(boys)
ext.4580 (girls)
student placement division
Students who may be precluded from their desired school choice due to academic, social or behavioral issues are assisted with school placement by Yaldei Yisroel. The program enables the child's success in their new school by providing mentors, tutors, therapists, and overseeing their progress.
division of special services
Torah Umesorah trains and places Special Education Coordinators to interact with principals, teachers, providers, therapists and parents to maximize the utilization of essential services for children requiring special education. Among the well-attended Seminars delivered this year were Applied Behavior Analysis, Learning Challenges in a Mainstream Environment, and Auditory Processing Disorder.
Special Ed Teachers enriched by a wide array of focused seminars

mashgiach training program
212.227.1000 ext 4630,4631
To assist yeshivos in remediation services for students struggling socially or emotionally, a group of men were trained as Mashgichim in one year of intense classes on Stages of Development, Learning Disabilities, Emotional & Social Disorders, Empathy & Active Listening, and other Mental Health issues. Graduates commit to work as a Mashgiach for three years in the yeshiva which chose them as a candidate for the training program, with Torah Umesorah providing one year of supervision. Trained Mashgichim create a working relationship with the Principal and Rebbeim, while being an advocate for the students, thus creating an optimal environment for classes to function more effectively.
Mashgichim trained
in First Pilot Year

CounterForce provides Counseling, Therapy, Mentoring and Preventive Services to students and their families. Social Workers and Guidance Counselors from CounterForce are based in many schools throughout the New York metropolitan area. CounterForce engages students individually & in group sessions, conducts student assessments & evaluations, provides family counseling and other mental health services.
students and families received counseling
Project Hemshech
Project Hemshech mentors students in junior high school through post-high school who need strengthening in their commitment to continue with their Torah education. Students are partnered with mentors, who form a personal study relationship with them, augmented by social interaction and activities. Students are serviced according to their needs and goals, categorized into Kiruv, Chizuk, and Kids at Risk.
learning with a mentor
of graduates continuing on to Torah-true education

Project seed
Torah education is only sustainable in a vibrant Torah home & community. One of the key components in the development of Torah commitment in dozens of American communities is PROJECT SEED, which, for decades, has been igniting the Torah spark among the unaffiliated. Yeshiva students, girls and Kollel couples spend their summers instilling Torah values within the hearts and minds of adults and children in communities throughout North America, and beyond, through Torah study, recreational events and day camps.
For information on SEED Girls, please contact Mrs. Hindy Ungar: 212-227-1000 ext 4520 or seedgirls@torahumesorah.org.
communities across
North America

community development and outreach
212.227.1000 ext.4517, 4518
A vibrant Torah communal life is vital to sustain Torah education. The Community Development and Outreach Department enables Torah study and observance in exponentially growing Jewish communities across North America. Founding and funding Community Kollelim, Shuls, Rabbinical leaders, Outreach Centers, and other institutions promoting a Torah life, enables the development of schools to provide Jewish education for each community's children, so pivotal for Jewish continuity.
Rabbonim serving in Shuls across North America